Teacher Tales #20 – The Teacher’s Journey and Voice: Andrea – teacher, librarian, mentor and lifelong voice to and for children

May 15, 2021 00:36:00
Teacher Tales #20 – The Teacher’s Journey and Voice: Andrea – teacher, librarian, mentor and lifelong voice to and for children
Teacher Tales
Teacher Tales #20 – The Teacher’s Journey and Voice: Andrea – teacher, librarian, mentor and lifelong voice to and for children

May 15 2021 | 00:36:00


Show Notes

In this episode, we meet Andrea, a teacher whose journey has taken her across the country from the sandy beaches of California to the space coast of Florida. Andrea has taught at the elementary, middle and high school levels as well as college. As her journey progressed, so did her learning as she pursued more degrees, certifications and experiences, eventually transitioning from a classroom teacher to a librarian position. Andrea’s journey is not much different from that of so many other teachers across the country…one of stretching, growing, learning, mentoring, sharing and giving from her heart in service to children. She tells us that “teaching is a force within us” and it helps us develop our skills, talents and use our voice to help educate children and inspire other teachers. Then, she ponders this: “when is our teacher voice quiet, and are we ever done being a true teacher in our hearts?” So many teacher voices are being quieted or just becoming mute because they feel they are being devalued and/or disempowered. Be sure to grab some tissues before listening because Andrea is going to reach in and touch the very spirit of your teacher heart! Don’t forget to share with other teachers to help them re-kindle the passion of teaching in their hearts. 

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