In this episode, our guest, Tamara, takes us down technology memory lane and reminds us how teaching is more than a textbook and a chalkboard. This especially came to light during the pandemic as teachers struggled to find a way to reach and teach their students. She highlights how technology can empower or disempower teachers, depending on their mindset and willingness to try something new and different. Tamara touched on some key “P’s” in education: procedures, permission, practice and perspective and letting go of panic and perfection. These P’s” help us stay out of fear and help us see the possibilities and believe “YES! I CAN!” She also shares how teachers wear many hats and have many talents and super powers that enrich every students’ learning experience and journey. She adds that “teachers are like the conductor in an orchestra’ helping each and every student find their own section, instrument and tune to play in harmony with others.
In this episode, you are going to meet many people…well, at least it will feel like that because this individual, Jennifer (author name, Ivy),...
In this episode, Adrienne, a black female educator in Georgia, takes us on a journey through the “seasons” of her teaching career…the ups, the...
In this episode, we get a chance to meet Annie, a math teacher who is originally from the Philippines. Annie helps us to see...